Advanced / Elite Coaching

Advanced coaching is for surfers who are already more developed in their surfing .

In every sport you’ll get to a point where progress is getting slower, the so called “plateau”. The learning curve slows down, or your development is hindered by something you don’t realise yourself. We’re there to get you back on track in no-time!

Coaching with video analysis gives a clear image of where the struggles are in technique. Years of experience in competitive surfing and coaching made the best place for an intermediate or advanced surfer to develop.

The sessions are 1-on-1, but can be expanded to small groups. During the lesson we’ll make a (video) analysis of your technique , which will bring out targets to work on in your surfing.

The years of competitive experience of Hans van den Broek combined with the contributions of HSA ex-national coach Ruurd Mosterd have ensured that The Shore is the place where the advanced surfer can develop. Hans has worked with Dutch top surfers such as Yannick de Jager, Eveline Hooft and Robin Kersbergen, and in 2018 he himself won the “on the nose” longboard competition for the third time.

Coaching without video analysyis is the same price as a private lesson

With coaching including video analysis our prices are as follows:

  • 1 person: €119,50
  • 2 persons: €179,50
  • 3 persons: €219,50

This includes evaluation, editing of the video footage , and a disc with the video footage on it.

Eveline Hooft, the first dutch person to ever win a WSL event